Classroom materials

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These final materials were produced by the PiCaM partners in 2019 following testing in partner countries. Resources include suggested mathematical and global learning intentions and can be used individually.

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Mathematical Bodies

Sarah Ainslie

This activity is designed to build a learning group where everybody matters and everyone has an equal role to play. It offers an embodied experience of multiples and factors, common multiples, primes and co-primes.

Fair and Square

Magic squares have been created and used by many different cultures since ancient times. They have a beauty and symmetry that can give satisfaction to those who enjoy solving puzzles. They can also give important messages about balance and interdependence and have led to applications in various areas of life.

Mapping our World with Mathematics

Colin Jackson

The activity explores the history of European colonisation through studying maps and globes. The ways in which representations can intentionally or otherwise mislead is addressed.

Playing and Making Mathematical Games and Crafts: Spaces for Coming Together

“Dominoes” by Kristy Johnson is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

This activity creates spaces, inside and outside the school context, for children to collaborate and share experiences amongst themselves and with others through playing mathematical games or making mathematical crafts. The game or the craft becomes a way to access the complexity of living together in the urban landscape; and the mathematics of the game or the craft becomes a way of signifying connections between words, bodies and algorithms.

Global Crisis and Local Solidarity: Debt vs Money as a Common Good

IMG_0080” by kent_eh is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

This activity supports a discussion amongst children with teachers about crisis and solidarity in the local setting and how it relates to economic crisis in society. The activity is grounded in classroom based group work and aims to support children and teachers in a collaborative project that critically explores the use of mathematics.

Designing the World around Me

Pentocelo – Own work, CC BY 3.0

The activity supports the development of geometric understanding through the use of two dimensional shapes in cultural and religious symbolism and though their use in architecture, particularly in the use of tiling. Throughout there are opportunities for exploring how symbolic representations are underpinned by ideas and beliefs.

The Face of a Country in Fractions

“The Parting of the Yellow Sea” by SnapDoc is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The students get into the topic of ratios based on the distribution of land use patterns in different countries. Also, the climatic and geographical differences in terms of land use are addressed. They work with data and get to know advantages and disadvantages of simplifications and modelling.

This website and the project materials reflect the view of the author(s). The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

PiCaM – Project in Citizenship and Mathematics
Project number 2017-1-UK01-KA201-036675

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union